The Civic Space Technical Support Project, financed by the European Union, is organizing ...
DETAYLARThe European Union will continue to support civil society under the Aid Programme for the Turkish Cypriot community...
DETAYLAROn June 28, 2024, an EU Funded networking event held at Bedesten brought together civil society organizations...
DETAYLARThe ninth Cypriot civil society in action grant scheme’s global objective is to support civil society in enhancing trust, dialogue, and cooperation and in...
DETAYLARThis networking event aims to bring together Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) with public sector stakeholders.
DETAYLARAs Civic Space, we offer comprehensive help desk support to civil society organizations...
DETAYLARCivic Space hosted the Ecology Mainstreaming Workshop on April 22, 2024, aimed at equipping civil society organizations (CSOs) and activists with the knowledge and tools to integrate ecological perspectives into their operations and activities.
DETAYLARCivic Space will host the Ecology Mainstreaming Workshop on April 22, 2024, from 16:00 to 19:00.
DETAYLARCivic Space hosted a Gender Mainstreaming Workshop on the 22.03.2024...
DETAYLARThe rights-based approach is a fundamental principle that recognises human dignity as the illuminating beacon of governance and social policies, embodied in the fundamental principles of equality and justice.
The Civic Space Mentoring Program is designed as a flexible and non-hierarchical process accessible by any CSO without discrimination, whereby participants deemed equal, learn from each other, rather than through a hierarchical relationship of teacher-learner.
Help Desk
Civic Space operates a help desk facility to provide tailor-made support to CSOs on various general capacity-building topics including but not limited to advocacy, fundraising, communication, strategic planning, project design, organizational management, partnership, and networking.
Meeting Room
Civic Space offers the meeting room of its own office to the service of CSOs and activists in need, allowing civil society to network, meet their office needs, and by being in the same environment, see how Civic Space operates on a daily basis.