Thematic Activities

What is Thematic Activities?

Thematic conferences, seminars, and forums are powerful tools to build knowledge and technical skills on topics of interest for CSOs. While conferences host large numbers of participants and involve experts from other EU countries or international organizations, seminars and forums are smaller in size and more focused.

Believing in the complementarity of different capacity building means, Civic Space regularly organizes thematic conferences, seminars, and forums for CSOs and activists from all communities to strengthen their knowledge and skills while paving the way for enhanced collaboration.

What have we done so far?

Sivil Alan şu ana kadar STÖ’lere yönelik elverişli ortam (19 Ekim 2016), STÖ’lerde şeffaflık ve hesap verebilirlik (1 Mart 2018) ve ifade özgürlüğü (7 Haziran 2018) konularında 3 uluslararası tematik konferans düzenlemiştir.

In addition to the conferences, Civic Space held 3 thematic seminars on social innovation and incubation (September 2016), freedom of expression (June 2018), transparency and integrity assessment (October 2019).

Moreover, Civic Space provided tailor-made technical support to thematic working groups based on demand. A variety of tools were used (e.g., study visits, meeting facilitation, resource provision, partnership, and networking support) to continuously support three thematic working groups: on anti-trafficking of human beings, enabling environment for civil society, and bicommunal environment networking group. 

  • 3 international thematic conferences
  • 3 thematic seminars
  • 16 civil society forums
  • 725 participants from civil society, media, and local bodies
  • Continuous support to 3 thematic working groups (fight against trafficking in human beings, civil society enabling environment bicommunal networking group) and facilitation of 13 thematic working group meetings.
Upcoming events

Haziran 2023’e kadar konferanslar, seminerler, çalıştaylar ve yuvarlak masa toplantıları düzenlenmeye devam edecektir. Bu etkinliklerin odaklanacağı tematik konuların gösterge niteliğindeki listesi aşağıdaki gibidir:

  • Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Amaçları (SKA’lar)
  • International Human Rights mechanisms
  • Cooperation between academia and civil society
  • Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
  • Resilience of civil society in times of uncertainty
  • Public policy and budget monitoring, reporting, and advocacy
  • Participation of civil society in policy processes.

In addition, Civic Space will continue supporting existing and new thematic working groups based on demand.