Grow Civic Info Sessions

Grow Civic Info Sessions

On 11 January 2024, Civic Space hosted an informative online session about the newly launched Grow Civic program. The Grow Civic Program is part of the Civic Space project which is funded by the European Union with a total budget of 3,499,550 euros.
Yeni Sivil Büyü Programı Başlıyor!

New Grow Civic is coming!

Exciting news on the horizon – Grow Civic is almost ready for its upcoming launch! Save the date for 25 December and arrange an appointment with the Grow Civic team to learn more about our new Grow Civic Programme.
Afri-Art Connect ( AAC)

Afri-Art Connect ( AAC)

About Us: Afri-Art Connect is a vibrant and inclusive group created for African student artists Hakkımızda: Afri-Art Connect, Afrikalı öğrenci sanatçılar için oluşturulmuş canlı ve kapsayıcı bir gruptur
Ekolojik Okuryazarlık Çevrimiçi Atölyeleri Kayıt Formu

Ecoliteracy Workshop Registration Form

Join us to talk about the subject of Ecoliteracy! The two online workshops we are orginising on December 4 (Turkish) and December 5 (English) are designed for all CSOs and activists who are interested in building a sustainable society.