Hak Temelli Yaklaşım

The Rights-Based Approach

The rights-based approach is a fundamental principle that recognises human dignity as the illuminating beacon of governance and social policies, embodied in the fundamental principles of equality and justice.
Yeni Sivil Büyü Programı Başlıyor!

New Grow Civic is coming!

Exciting news on the horizon – Grow Civic is almost ready for its upcoming launch! Save the date for 25 December and arrange an appointment with the Grow Civic team to learn more about our new Grow Civic Programme.
Ekolojik Okuryazarlik Atölyesi Makalesi

Ecoliteracy Workshop Article

On the 15th of November, Civic Space has organized a full day workshop on Ecologic literacy for civil society organisations and activists working in the fields of education and environment in the northern part of Cyprus.