Ecology Mainstreaming Workshop

Ecology Mainstreaming Workshop

Civic Space will host the Ecology Mainstreaming Workshop on April 22, 2024, from 16:00 to 19:00. The workshop aims to integrate ecological perspectives into the activities of various civil society organizations (CSOs) and strengthen their capacities.

The Mainstreaming Ecology Workshop seeks to make CSOs aware of their responsibilities to change traditional consumption habits and reduce environmental impacts by first creating a sustainable environment within their own organizations.

The workshop will focus on understanding the importance of mainstreaming ecology and integrating environmental and climate perspectives into individual and CSO activities. Supported by interactive presentations, case studies, and practical exercises, this workshop is designed to encourage active participation in developing practical solutions to ecological problems.

The workshop will be conducted by experts in ecology, Nazar Erişkin and Münise Alibeyoğlu. They will focus on the practical aspects of mainstreaming ecology in organizational practices and policies

At the end of the workshop, we aim for the participants to leave with advanced knowledge and tools to enhance the integration of ecological perspectives into their work. The impact of this meeting is expected to contribute to a broader movement towards ecological sustainability and inclusivity in civil society, both within the participating organizations and beyond.

Civic Space is a project funded by the European Union under the Aid Programme for the Turkish Cypriot community with a total budget of 3,499,550 euros. Its objective is to contribute to building a stronger civil society in the Turkish Cypriot community that supports democratic changes and confidence-building measures.

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