The European Commission signed 12 new civil society grant contracts for EUR 2.5 million.
As part of the Aid Programme support for the reunification of Cyprus (Regulation (EC) 389/2006), the European Union (EU) has been providing since 2007 financial assistance to strengthen the role of civil society in the Turkish Cypriot community, to promote EU values and a conducive environment for further development of trust, dialogue and co-operation between the Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot communities, as well as for the integration of the Turkish Cypriot civil society into the wider Union. In the last quarter of 2021, European Commission has signed 11 new contracts with different Turkish Cypriot civil society organisations for a total of EUR 1.8 million as well as a direct grant of EUR 700,000 for the Human Rights platform association.
Bu yedinci Kıbrıs Sivil Toplumu İşbaşında teklif çağrısının amacı, sivil toplum örgütlerinin karar alma ve politika uygulama süreçlerine katılımlarının sağlanması, Kıbrıs toplumları arasındaki diyaloğun ve iş birliklerinin geliştirilmesi ve hem yerel seviyede hem de AB düzeyinde değişimi etkilemeleri suretiyle anlamlı sosyo-ekonomik değişimler gerçekleştirmelerini teşvik etmektir. Önümüzdeki 2 ile 3 yıl içinde uygulanacak olan proje konuları arasında savunmasız grupların veya azınlık gruplarının insan haklarına erişimi, gençlerin ve kadınların güçlendirilmesi, hasta hakları, işçi hakları ve yaşlı hakları, sürdürülebilir kalkınma amaçlarına yönelik savunuculuk, atık yönetimi, çevre okuryazarlığı ve aktivizm yer alacaktır.
The European Commission has also signed a direct grant with the Human Rights Platform association that brings together several rights-based Turkish Cypriot CSOs aiming at developing a more just, equitable, democratic and inclusive society. The project which will be implemented in the next 2 years will primarily focus on anti-trafficking, refugee rights, LGBTI+ rights, democratic participation in the decision making process – including freedom of association and freedom of expression, detention conditions and freedom from torture. The platform will develop synergies and cooperation with Greek Cypriot CSOs and EU CSOs or CSO networks and is open to other rights-based associations interested in joining.
Since 2007, the European Commission has launched seven Cypriot civil society in action calls for proposals, for a total amount of EUR 14 million and one thematic call for proposals Together against Trafficking in Human Beings for EUR 1 million. By supporting civil society in the Turkish Cypriot community, the Aid Programme assists in the development of a fairer society based on respect for human dignity, human rights, freedom, democracy, equality and the rule of law.
Since 2007, the European Commission has launched seven Cypriot civil society in action calls for proposals, for a total amount of EUR 14 million and one thematic call for proposals Together against Trafficking in Human Beings for EUR 1 million. By supporting civil society in the Turkish Cypriot community, the Aid Programme assists in the development of a fairer society based on respect for human dignity, human rights, freedom, democracy, equality and the rule of law.
For more information on the EU funded technical assistance to support civil society organisations in the Turkish Cypriot community, you can visit Civic Space website: