Workshop on Enabling Environment for Civil Society

Sivil Toplum için Elverişli Ortam Çalıştayı

Civic Space, in collaboration with the Human Rights Platform and the Civil Society Initiative association (SİTİ), is organizing a workshop on enabling environment for civil society on Monday 27 June, at 16:30 - 19:00 at the Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce conference room.

The workshop aims to identify, in consultations with CSOs, challenges and recommendations to (i) improve the implementation of the legal text on association and (ii) propose standards for the participation of CSOs in decision making.

In addition, during the workshop, SİTİ will present the findings of the enabling environment survey they conducted in March 2022. 53 civil society organisations participated in this survey.

This workshop aims to support the reform and improve the implementation of the overall enabling environment for civil society in the Turkish Cypriot community. Therefore, Civic Space provides technical support to local bodies and CSOs in their efforts towards:

Developing capacities for enhanced dialogue and cooperation

Creating mechanisms for participation in decision-making

Developing tools and capacities for better implementation of the legal text on associations

Registration is required to attend the workshop.

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